"Believing"--Create the Life You Desire
I’ve always been one who believes that we truly can create the life we desire.
Some people think that life is always happening to them, but I’ve always felt that life is happening FOR us! Maybe, your perspective is like mine, and you feel that you are in control of what happens to you and how life will play out. Or, maybe you’re on the fence about trusting something greater (you don’t have to define or give it a name!)
Sometimes hearing the word “faith” for me was a bit too “wishy-washy”. It’s a big word, with different meanings! But the more I thought about it the more I realized clearly we all have had to have faith, and we do it all the time!
We have faith that when we sit down, that the legs on our chair will hold us up!
We have faith that when we stand up again our knees will bend and move just the way they usually do.
We have faith and trust that the sun will rise every morning!
See? We all have it!
But why is it so important? Why do we need it so much?
When we don’t have faith or trust in the bigger things in life, the bigger picture, how sad would we feel? We would be without hope.
When babies begin to walk they fall down—and they get back up again!
They just keep trying and they have faith and know that they will walk one day!
It’s just in our nature to have faith! We are born to trust and to believe.
You put faith in something even when you’re scared or you don’t know the end result! You’re letting go of control, even if it is just for a little bit.
Having a little more faith in ourselves and in each other is sometimes all we need to manifest the outcome we desire.
What is something you’re scared to do, but you know you’re going to do it anyway? That, my friends, is the strength deep down inside of you.
That is faith!
- Ebony B. Taylor
Welcome Ebony! Guest writer for the FitO Lifestyle Blog!
Hello! My name is Ebony.
I’m a single momma to a 4 year-old little boy, from a small town in northwestern Ontario, Canada! I grew up in foster care with two of my siblings; we were placed in a home that became our family! I have always been drawn to helping other women, and especially other single mothers like myself to become their best selves! At 21 shortly after having my son, I knew that HE was my passion! I started an online business that I used as a vehicle to empower other women. My calling is to use my voice, my words, my writing to empower and share light with others.