Make Magic!--How the Law of Attraction Can Work for YOU!
If I were to ask you this question: “What does your dream life look like?”
You would start to describe it to me, and once you’ve started, you’re already creating a visual and emotional connection to what it is your dream life consists of.
The human mind is an amazing thing! Think about it — you’re driving along playing “I Spy” with your kiddos and they say: “I spy with my little eye something that is red!”
Your mind immediately starts searching for all the red things.
And so does your mind when you speak out, or write out or focus on whatever goal it is that you’re wanting to achieve!
So the first step to you actively manifesting has begun!
We’ve all heard of the universal law of attraction: “Like attracts like.”
Do you ever notice that when it’s raining (depending upon how you feel about the rain) you may stub your toe followed by your cat throwing up on your brand new rug? Then your kids throwing a tantrum and all you can think about is: “Can it get any worse today? What next?”
And what happens next?
You get a flat tire on your way to work, or you get a call that your dog escaped the yard...
Whatever your vibe is, you manifest it, Boo Boo!
But don’t let that bum you out. The same goes for all the good things too!
When you’re happy, when you’re just care-free and vibing high, you KNOW that’s when the real magic happens!
Now I’m not saying you have to be happy all the time.
That’s not possible. We’re all human and we have bad days. It’s really a matter of seeing the good even on the bad days and pulling yourself back up and into a higher vibe!
For me a higher vibe looks like either rocking out to my favorite playlist (and I mean head banging and all LOL)!
OR just Reading some Harry Potter.
That may look different for you, but do the things that make you happy, that relax you…don’t focus so much on the clutter of your day.
Your road to manifesting is just as much about getting to know yourself better as it is about acquiring all the juicy, good things.
It’s definitely a journey, so focus on the journey not the end result!
Have fun! Vibe high! Learn about yourself, your desires, what you want your life to look like.
As I said above — your mind is a powerful tool and you absolutely can have all that you dream of!
Trust, have faith that all that you’ve asked for is coming because it certainly is!
Lastly, hear me out— it’s not the big, long, rituals that will help you manifest change. Don’t lose yourself! It’s the small stuff you commit to on a daily basis that helps the law of attraction work for you!
Take it one day at a time! It’s YOUR journey after all.
- Ebony B. Taylor