You Are Allowed to Change
My soul is one that loves change. I have had more jobs, more apartments and houses, more hair colors, more ideas, more friends, more boyfriends, and more phases than I have ever cared to admit.
What I’ve learned is the changing, the pain, the tears, the 180s, the “what the hell am I doing here?”s is my souls way of trying to find myself. My authenticity. My path. My truth. It’s been humbling, empowering, sobering. It’s all been perfect too. And it’s far from over.
It’s all led me here. To myself. To my present. Hi. You are allowed to change. Sometimes we need to experience certain things to know what life isn’t about to find out what it is. Where I’m at in life right now is summed up in this quote by one of my favorite spiritual teachers: “If you truly believe that this life has spiritual purpose and that you were born to find your purpose—then how can that belief not take charge of your entire life? Everything else in your life should become a servant or a means to finding and living that one truth.” —Caroline Myss
Are you there too? I see you. Let’s rise together.
In Transformation,
Coach Kenzie