Life After an Epic Wipeout...Getting Back to Your "Why?"

Getting motivated and staying motivated is an ongoing challenge we all will face more than once in our lives. Speed bumps, road blocks, distractions. In the words of Chumbawumba, "I get knocked down, but I get up again". This is life!

Good news is, if you move through this world with a purpose, an established personal philosophy, a master plan to save the world, perhaps; you'll always have a reason to keep going!  But when it all comes crashing down, what steps do we take to find our initial reason for moving forward--getting back to "WHY"? 

Step 1.  Imagine where you'd like to see yourself five years from now in detail, and write down every descriptive word. What do you look like?  Who are the people around you?  Where do you live?  How are you making your living?  What do you do every day?  What are you doing more or less of?  Our deeply rooted desires hold the most motivational power.

Step 2. Take your first step. All you have to take is one. It will be the hardest, but the rest will follow!  Do one thing that your future self would do and you are already on your way to harvesting internal motivation. This is a skill that will take time to master. It is EASY to turn to external motivators such as money, social status, praise, etc. These things CAN be motivational, but their power will diminish eventually.  We don't grow when things are easy, it is when challenges arise that we blossom!

Step 3. Keep it going. Share your deepest desires with someone close to you. Envision it every day.  Journal, make a collage or dream board that reminds you of your goals and who you are--sometimes we forget!  Most importantly, remember that having to stop and evaluate when life throws a wrench in our plan does not mean failure. Having to hit pause doesn't mean you won't get there. Don't try to skip the freaking struggle--it's where all the juiciness is!  Get back up.

You've got this!

Elle WhiteComment